Communication Skills
Communications considered the mainstay base of our daily lives; we share huge amounts and types of data and information, it is from the question about conditions to the exchange of feelings and the transfer of ideas, review of news and transmission of views, humans have a portable information center consider with other centers send them and receive them, Communications is the bridge that connects human up to others
This certificate is designed to familiarize participants with the basics of effective communication and giving them to deal and interact with other skills. this certificate identifies the definition of basic communication skills of active listening and speaking skills and the skills of motivation. And also to identify basic skills in negotiating and managing speeches and presentations. also identifies the basics of successful meetings management as a part of the means of effective communication within any organization aims to achieve its mission and institutional vision.
- Employees call center
- Customer service and secretarial officials
- Sales and Marketing Department
- All jobs need to use phone in business administration and communication
• Understand the communication process
• Identify the different styles of communication and use them in appropriate cases
• Development of presentation skills and listening skills
• Improve your communication skills when communicating with co-workers, clients and social circle.
- BS-201 Communications skills