Customer Service
Customer service is a set of practices that aim to enhance the level of customer satisfaction of any sense that service or product has won customer satisfaction and define more precisely: is the process by which meet the needs and expectations of customers by offering high quality service resulting in customer satisfaction.
The importance of customer service varies by product type and the type of customer, for example, the expert customer requires less service than the new ones, whether item or service, customer service is more important in companies that provide services such as telecommunications or internet more than companies providing items. This study aims to learn about the basics of customer service with its different areas.
- Employees call center
- Customer service and secretarial officials
- Sales and Marketing Department
- All jobs need to use phone in business administration and communication
• identifying the meaning and role of the customer as part of the concept of CRM
• Studying the definition of activity center as a customer-centric approach to service
• Understand the need for self-assessment
• speculate on customer needs
• highlight the preconditions to fulfill the commitment to the customer
- BS-205 Customer Service